Exposición sobre Shakespeare no IES de Vilalonga

Coincidindo co IV centenario da morte de Shakespeare, o Departamento de Inglés do IES de Vilalonga elaborou unha serie de carteis sobre a vida e a obra dun dos escritores ingleses mais universais e con obras teatrais tan coñecidas como Hamlet, Macbeth, El sueño de una noche de verano, Romeo y Julieta entre outras.

Quen non coñece o "ser ou non ser, velaí a cuestión", a historia de amor imposible entre Romeo e Xulieta ou as traxedias nas que ronda a morte, a vinganza, a fatalidade.

O Departamento non só implicou ao alumnado na elaboración da exposición senón que está a  visitala con eles para que posteriormente fagan un xogo contestando ás preguntas relacionadas coa información proporcionada nos carteis.

10 comentarios:

  1. It was a great experience, we learnt new interesting things about Shakespeare and saw quotes we didn't know that they belonged to him.

  2. Cris Ramírez25/04/16, 09:55

    It is a good way to learn about William Shakespeare, I love the quotes!

  3. It was nice to find out so many things about Shakespeare

  4. It was interesting

  5. It is a good activity.

  6. My favourite quote is: " When we are born we cry that we are come to this great stage of fools"

  7. Miguel Ángel Álvarez29/04/16, 09:16

    I liked this activity because I learned a lot about shakespere. We could use the program KAHOOT.it. I want to repeat it.

  8. INES REY y ELSA29/04/16, 09:22

    We think this activity is the best way to learn about Shakespeare. We enjoined making the masks and the rest of the exhibition. We hope that the others also enjoy it too.

  9. In my opinión this activity about shakeaspere was very interesting, and we learned a lot about his life and we could see some of his quotes which I like a lot!

  10. I think it was a great idea because it's a pretty good way to learn about Shakespeare and to see fantastic quotes like "Listen to many, speak to a few", which is I liked the most.
